3049 – Music Bingo

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Join your fellow 30’s and 40’s for dinner, drinks, and GAME NIGHT LIVE!

Prepare to jam out to your favorite songs while going for the game winning prize!

3049 is on a mission to bring together 30’s and 40’s in South Palm Beach County for

friendship, fun, and to make an impact on the local and global Jewish community. Whether

you’re from the area or a newcomer, discover what our Jewish community can offer you!

Saturday, December 3, 2022 | 7:30 pm

Zinman Hall – Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County Campus

9901 Donna Klein Blvd.

Couvert: $54 per person | Dietary laws observed

Event Chairs: Rachel Schrager and Benji Gene

For more information, contact Sandy Baum at 561-852-6065 or sandyb@bocafed.org.


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