Missions: Possible! 

Missions provide a unique opportunity for South Palm Beach County community members to witness the life-changing impact our Federation makes in Israel, and other Jewishly rich environments around the world.

We are family. Responsible for each other, at home and abroad. Our mission trips are one-of-a-kind travel experiences, where we become something so much larger than ourselves:  part of a vast global community, complete with its challenges and hopes.

Upcoming Events

A Federation mission trip offers opportunities to:

  • Explore the past
  • Experience the present
  • Impact the future

Community members who engage in these active adventures feel more connected – to their sense of Jewish identity and purpose – and help us grow Jewish philanthropy. Thanks to our Federation’s affiliations, mission participants will be able to visit with local residents, attend briefings with community leaders and government officials, and see the fruits of our labor – firsthand – as we see our projects come to life at our partner agency locations.

Past participants have shared that they could not help but return to our community changed – for the better. They were, in a word, inspired… by what they saw, heard and tasted. Their hearts were touched, minds opened and spirits expanded.

The best way to understand mission travel is to get on board! Email Jennifer Friedman at JenniferF@bocafed.org.