
A “living bridge,” connecting the communities of South Palm Beach County and Zichron Yaakov in Israel.

Partnership2Gether is an inspiring program that builds ever-strengthening bonds of friendship, collaboration and understanding with residents, leaders and institutions of two communities. The personal enrichment of people of all ages, including students and professionals, is realized through conversations, visits, Zoom meetings and other joint ventures.

P2G Programs Include:

Be Our Guest, offering opportunities for individuals, families and groups from South Palm Beach County visiting Israel, to spend meaningful time in our partnership community of Zichron Yaakov. Visitors are assured a “home away from home” experience personalized to their trip dynamics.

• Overnight and social gatherings (mifgashim) for March of the Living participants, high school students, local synagogues, Taglit-Birthright groups and adults on missions to enjoy Israel – and Israelis!

Onward Israel participants, working as interns throughout the summer, – are welcomed into the homes of Israeli families for a night of hospitality, becoming mishpocha (a close relative) for one special weekend. This short-term connection often results in long-term friendships.

School Twinning pairs Israeli classrooms in Zichron Yaakov and local classrooms at congregational schools and Jewish day schools, connecting students and teachers via email, WhatsApp, Zoom meetings and face-to-face visits. New relationships are cultivated and developed, creating a living bridge between the two communities.

Synagogue Connections creates a direct link between same-denomination synagogue groups in South Palm Beach County and Zichron Yaakov.

Shinshinim are Israeli high school graduates participating in a voluntary pre-army year of service in communities around the globe. The spirit of our Partnership will come alive throughout the year as our emissaries share their passion for Israel and Zichron Yaakov, through their work with local agencies in South Palm Beach County.
To learn more click here

To learn more about the Partnership2Gether (P2G) program, please contact Alysha Erez at

The ties that bind Jews everywhere together are strong. Our extended family in Israel and around the world is never far from our minds and hearts. That’s why our Federations offers educational programs, missions, and cultural programming that connect the South Palm Beach County Jewish community to Israel, and supports world Jewry. In an effort to keep Jewish life and identity strong, we celebrate and advocate for our religion, history and culture, building relationships and community in the process.

Immersive Israel Experiences

Federation offers an array of opportunities for South Palm Beach County community members to connect and build a relationship with Israel.

We invite you to participate in Israel-focused opportunities to support, learn and  explore our Jewish homeland, whose well-being and security is at the core of our mission

Judi and Allan Schuman Center for Israel Engagement

Federation’s CIE is dedicated to bringing our community to Israel and Israel to our community, through programs, activities and community-wide gatherings. There truly is something for everyone!

An integral part of Federation’s mission is to maintain a strong and unwavering connection to Israel. The Judi and Allan Schuman Center for Israel Engagement does this by supporting programs and activities for members of our Jewish community of all ages and stages of life. There are community missions, scholarships for young people to enable study, gap years and volunteer programs in Israel. The CIE also supports expanded local Israel programming, such as bringing young emissaries from our Jewish homeland to live in South Palm Beach and Federation’s community-wide festivals for Israel that draw thousands together to celebrate as one people.

Contact Dana Vizner at 561.852.3270 or for more information.


Missions provide a unique opportunity for South Palm Beach County community members to witness the life-changing impact our Federation makes in Israel, and other Jewishly rich environments around the world.

Community members who  engage in these active adventures feel more connected – to their sense of Jewish identity and purpose – and help us grow Jewish philanthropy. Thanks to our Federation’s affiliations, mission participants will be able to visit with local residents, attend briefings with community leaders and government officials, and see the fruits of our labor – firsthand – as we see our projects come to life at our partner agency locations.

Click Here to learn more about our Federation’s Mission opportunities.

Onward Israel

Young adults, aged 19-30 years, can take advantage of Onward Israel, a forward-facing program offering young adults who have a permanent address or attend college in Boca Raton, Delray Beach or Highland Beach the opportunity to live, learn and work as an intern in Tel Aviv. The eight week summer program focuses on connecting participants to each other and Israel, as they gain invaluable work experience in Israeli companies within their field of study.  

The trip is a  resume-building opportunity and cross-cultural experience all in one!

Onward Israel was designed to engage the next generations with Israel and return home more connected to our Jewish homeland, their fellow program participants, Jewish life and our community.

Contact Betsy Lampert at to learn more.

Birthright Israel

Birthright Israel, a free, 7 or 10 day life-changing trip to Israel for young Jewish adults between the ages of 18 and 26, is out to transform the Jewish future! The program aims to give every young Jewish person an equal opportunity to explore life’s most important questions about identity, community and connection to a homeland. Our Federation is a proud supporter of Birthright Israel! Visit to learn more or to apply.

MASA Israel

Masa Israel is the leader in immersive international experiences for people between the ages of 16 and 35. Their name, which means “journey,” says it all! The organization offers authentic and life-changing journeys through Israeli society, culture, politics and history. Their diverse portfolio of programs in Israel – study abroad, internship, service learning, or Jewish Studies – help participants grow as a person, a professional, and a leader (with a robust global professional network)! Our Federation is a proud supporter of MASA Israel Journey. Visit to learn more and/or apply.

Scholarships for Immersive Israel experiences are available through our Federation’s Foundation. Visit here to learn more about our Israel scholarships.