B&P and PAC Campus Tour

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A Campus Experience Like No Other.

Step inside a bustling hub of activity on the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County Campus.

Feel the expanse of your community as you tour the more than 100 acres that many of our local agencies and programs call home. Meet your neighbors who train the disabled, feed the hungry, educate our youth, cultivate our Jewish community and care for the elderly.

You will leave inspired.

B&P Campus Tour Co-Chairs: Lindsey Koolik & Shira Koolik

PAC Chair: Bryan Drowos


Tour: 8:00 am to 9:30 am

Thursday, November 14, 2024

9901 Donna Klein Blvd. Boca Raton

Meet in front of Federation building promptly by 8:00 am

For information, please contact: Erica Gordon, Director, Foundation Development 561.852.3114 or EricaG@bocafed.org

Beau Simon, Development Associate 561.852.3121 or BeauS@bocafed.org


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