The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County’s Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation (JJCF) is proud to continue its legacy of providing enriching Jewish experiences for local children and young adults through its summer scholarship programs. This summer, the JJCF provided more than $78,000 to 115 students to attend Jewish overnight summer camp and immersive Israel experiences.

Many of these students benefitted from one of the following funds that have been established at the JJCF:

One Happy Camper Fund

The JJCF, in collaboration with the Foundation for Jewish Camp’s One Happy Camper Initiative, offered grants of up to $1,000 to 20 first-time campers. This fund is dedicated to giving children the opportunity to participate in Jewish overnight summer camps. These camps are not just about fun and games—they are where kids learn about their heritage, build lifelong friendships and create treasured memories.

Linda Berey Hurst Chai Fund for Jewish Life

Almost 50 children received assistance to attend overnight Jewish camps through the Linda Berey Hurst Chai Fund for Jewish Life. This fund is committed to fostering a vibrant Jewish life by supporting immersive experiences like Jewish overnight camp and immersive Israel programs that are designed to strengthen Jewish identity and community connections.

Lea Appelboom, a first-time camper and scholarship recipient expressed her gratitude: “Thank you so much for helping me go to summer camp for the first time…thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me and my sister go to camp together this summer. It’s going to be the best summer ever!”

Schuman Center for Israel Engagement

JJCF’s commitment to nurturing Jewish identity and continuity doesn’t stop at summer camps. This year, the Foundation approved funding for many immersive Israel experiences as well. These trips are pivotal in connecting young Jews with their heritage and fostering the next generation of Jewish leaders.

The impact of these scholarships extends beyond financial assistance; they open doors to transformative experiences that shape the participants’ lives and enrich our community.

Shalom Gilbert, who is currently in Israel with the CTeen Summer Israel Journey said, “Your generosity is enabling me to experience the Land of Israel at a time when Israel so greatly needs our support. I am looking forward to connecting to my Jewish homeland alongside other teenagers who are all interested in growing spiritually and learn more about their Jewish heritage.”

Looking Ahead

Each of these endowed funds at the JJCF has been created by generous and forward-thinking donors, who are proud to support Jewish life and education for generations to come.

For more information on how to apply for, contribute to, or establish your own fund at the JJCF, please contact Lottie Nilsen, VP of the Foundation, at 561-852-3109 or; or go to