More than 60 years separate Bea Gold and Galia Polyanovsky in terms of age, but as Lions of Judah both women share an incredible bond.

Bea and Galia will join more than 18,000 women worldwide, as they celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Lions of Judah in 2022 and recognize their collective impact on the global Jewish community.

South Palm Beach County Boasts One of the Nation’s Largest Prides

The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County boasts one of the largest Lion of Judah contingents with more than 700 local women making up the ranks in Boca Raton, Delray Beach and Highland Beach. Established in 1972, the Lions of Judah (LOJ) are comprised of women of all ages, who give their time and resources to creating social justice, aiding the vulnerable, preserving human dignity and building Jewish identity. A Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE) exists to fund programs and services in perpetuity to benefit generations.

Bea, who turns 103 on January 30, plans to celebrate with her sisterhood during the Lion of Judah Luncheon, on March 10, 2022, featuring author Bari Weiss. Galia, 42, plans to attend, as well. Although they became Lions at different times and for different reasons, both expressed similar sentiments when it comes to their Jewish ‘sisters’.

Words of Advice from a Centenarian

“I have a special plea to younger women who may be interested in helping the world around them,” Bea said.

“Join. Do it. Do it now. I did encourage several friends of mine to become Lions, and I’ve been an advocate for the Endowment. To realize that my gift will continue to be relevant in perpetuity is awesome. That’s the importance of Tikkun Olam.

Continuing a Journey that Began in the Soviet Union and Israel

As a child, Galia and her mother sought refuge in Israel, after leaving Soviet Union in the 1990s, along with thousands of other Jews. She was 12, but vividly remembers her mother being stripped of her passport, personal valuables and almost all money when they fled the communist country. Witnessing her mother rebuild their lives in Israel motivates Galia to help ensure a Jewish future.

“To protect the Jewish future, we all need to contribute a little bit, otherwise nothing happens,” she said. “Come and be a part of being Jewish. Being a Lion allows me to do my part in continuing the Jewish way of life.”

To join South Palm Beach County’s Lion of Judah sisterhood, contact Kathleen Ben-Shoaff at 561.852.5031;