This Passover, B’nai Torah Congregation hosted several recovery seders, providing a safe space for 119 community members to celebrate amidst the challenges of addiction. A new addition this year was the outdoor seder, held at the Lucky Horse Sanctuary, offering participants a peaceful setting to reflect on their personal and spiritual journeys.

The outdoor seder was attended by 25 individuals and their families who shared stories of resilience and hope. Despite their struggles with addiction, they embraced the promise of renewal that Passover signifies.

The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County is proud to support these important programs of inclusion and healing. B’nai Torah recovery seders are alcohol-free and designed with special consideration for people in recovery and their families. Federation also supports a Sober Seder program, offered by the Jewish Recovery Center.

At B’nai Torah Congregation’s Passover program, special gifts awaited the participants. Instead of the wine glass representing Elijah’s cup, there was an elegant orchid for guests to replant. The guests honored their past struggles, as they planted the flowers, and viewed the orchids as “seeds of a hopeful future.”

Aimee, an attendee and member of B’nai Torah Congregation, expressed her gratitude for the personalized experience.

“Thank you for allowing us to come together to celebrate in a way that we were comfortable and that our son would be accepted,” she said.

B’nai Torah is home to the Meryl and Ron Gallatin TLC program, which is its central source for meaningful mitzvah opportunities that help make a difference in our community and throughout the world. Federation also supports the TLC program, as a long-standing partner agency.

To learn more about how the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County strengthens Jewish Life & Learning here, in Israel and around the world, visit the link below.