Larry Feldman, Chair of the Board
Laurence I. Blair, Esq., Chair, Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation
For the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County and the Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation, 2022 was a year of strategic response. In contrast to 2021, during which our pandemic-related response was broad and comprehensive – covering every aspect of life disrupted by COVID-19 – 2022 ushered in a period of acute focus, as our community came to the urgent aid of not only victims of Hurricane Ian, but also the refugees and war-ravaged citizens of Ukraine.
Additionally, our 100-acre campus was thoughtfully reconfigured to accommodate the swelling numbers of new residents calling South Florida home. Changes included Sinai Residences Phase II, the addition of the Toby & Leon Cooperman Therapy & Family Resource Center to Ruth and Norman Rales Jewish Family Services and Adolph and Rose Levis Jewish Community Center’s move to its new address on the north-end of the campus.
The Great Migration, which is bringing people from all parts of the country to the Sunshine State, meant a greater outpouring from us and our partner agencies, as we resumed in-person events to welcome friends with new cohorts and amazing guest speakers. Meanwhile, the core support provided to our partner agency programs and services never ebbed.
One of our greatest strengths is adaptability, and we experienced the growth of that strength, as we prioritized one call for support after another. From addressing the rise in hate crimes and rhetoric against the Jewish collective to creating additional ways to leave a legacy for the preservation of Jewish ways of life, Federation and Foundation answered the various calls with empathy, sympathy and care.
It is our mission to ensure that “Together, We Thrive!” We are extremely proud of every person, department, program and event that brought us together, so that we can continue to thrive, no matter the challenges that lay before us. We welcome you celebrate what we accomplished, as a philanthropic community, in 2022.

Larry Feldman, COB

Larry Blair, Chair JJCF

Matt Levin, President & CEO
A force for good locally, in Israel and Around the World
people visit the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County’s 100-acre campus daily
hours of emergency preparedness training for 2,700 people completed at our local Jewish agencies, schools and synagogues
Jewish Future’s Pledge/Foundation Grant
No longer alone, thanks to JARC
Shari Letzter was living alone for a year before she moved into a JARC residential apartment and became part of a community again. Shari, 66, lost her father in 2009, and then her mother, who was her close friend, died in 2018. Her brother, her designated caregiver, died tragically in a car accident in 2001. She was alone.
Before she passed away, Shari’s mother discovered JARC. “She loved the place,” Shari said.
In 2019, Shari was convinced by friends to make the move. Three years later, she is working full-time as a front desk assistant at JARC, or as they call her, “the Director of First Impressions”. From creating new homes through its Residential programs to creating new careers in its Vocational training and Community Works programs, JARC ensures that its clients are never alone again.

adults with developmental disabilities received financial assistance for JARC residential care

children participated in PJ Our Way programming for young families

seniors received meals delivered to them at home via JFS’ Senior Services

survivors of domestic abuse were provided training to attain financial independence, thanks to a Granting Wishes grant from The JWF.
“We’re home!”
Ethiopian olim celebrate Israel homecoming
Disembarking from a momentous flight, dozens of Ethiopians arrived in Israel, waving Israeli flags, hugging family and friends, and taking selfies. Their smiles beamed pure bliss — they were home.
Their arrival was shared on social media on June 1, 2022. The flight was chartered by The Jewish Agency for Israel, a long-standing partner agency of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County, in collaboration with Israel’s Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, as part of the continuation of Operation Zur Israel.

refugees from Ukraine and Russia, along with 3,000 Ethiopian olim (immigrants) made aliyah with the support of The Jewish Agency (JAFI).

local young adults traveled to Israel for a 10-day experience with Birthright

people around the world benefited from Beit Issie Shapiro’s renowned, cutting-edge disability technology

Jewish local young adults were transformed by eight, incredible weeks in Israel, as a part of the South Palm Beach County Onward Israel internship program
JDC faces the trauma of Russia’s war
Since the war in Ukraine started, there has not been a quiet moment for the Jewish population in Kyiv. In response, our partner agency, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), created a new initiative to help address their trauma.
Thanks to your generous donations, the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County is able to support the JDC’s initiatives, including a new Trauma Network, which provides individualized support to those who are living amid the ongoing threat of gunfire, bombings and hostile invasion.

people (estimated) have been displaced since Russia first invaded Ukraine, making this one of the largest humanitarian crises since WWII (JFNA.org)

have been raised by Jewish Federations, including the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County, of which $61 million has been allocated to non-governmental organizations in Ukraine and neighboring countries to support refugees and Jewish communities.

international schools offer curricula on Jewish history, tradition, culture and the Holocaust, thanks to partner agency World Organization of Rehabilitation Through Training (ORT)

Jewish families in Argentina received humanitarian support through our partner, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC).
Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County
Adolph and Rose Levis JCC
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)
B’nai Torah Congregation
Beit Issie Shapiro
Bet Elazraki
Birthright Israel
Boca Beach Chabad (Chabad of East Boca)
Boca Jewish Center
Boca Parliament
Boca Raton Synagogue
Chabad of Central Boca Raton
Chabad of Delray Beach
Chabad of East Delray Beac
Chabad of West Boca Raton
Chabad Student Center
Congregation B’nai Israel
Congregation Beth Adam
Congregation Shaarei Kodesh
Congregation Torah Or
Donna Klein Jewish Academy
Ethiopian National Project
Federation – Programs
Friendship Circle of N. Broward and SPBC
Friendship House
From March to Miriam – a Program of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County
Gift of Life
Hadar High School for Girls
Hebrew Free Loan Society
Hillel International
Hillel of Broward & Palm Beach
Israel Elwyn
JCC Krakow
Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI)
Jewish Adoption & Family Care Options (JAFCO)
JARC Florida
Jewish Education Center
Jewish Education Loan Fund
Jewish Recovery Center
Katz Hillel Day School
Katz Yeshiva High School
Leket Israel
Mae Volen Center
Onward Israel
PJ Library®
Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services
Susan’s House
Temple Beth El
Temple Beth Shalom
Torah Academy of Boca Raton
United Hatzalah
World ORT
Yad Eliezer
Yashar LaChayal
Yad Lakashish
Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation
Adolph and Rose Levis JCC
Alexander Muss High School In Israel
American Friends of Yeshivat Migdal HaTorah
American Technion Society
B’nai Torah Congregation
BBYO Gold Coast Region
Blue Star Camps
Bnei Akiva
Camp Avoda
Camp Gan Israel
Camp Gan Israel Florida
Camp Gan Israel in the Poconos
Camp Judaea
Camp Kaylie
Camp Maayan
Camp Matzav Midwest
Camp Nageela East
Camp Ramah Darom
Camp Ramah in Canada
Camp Ruach
Camp Shemesh
Camp Shoresh Sports
Camp Stone
Camp Tel Noar
Camp Yeshiva Outdoor Adventure
Camp Zeke
Central Florida Hillel
Chabad of Boca Raton
Congregation B’nai Israel
Congregation Kehillath Israel
Congregation Shaarei Kodesh
Donna Klein Jewish Academy
Friends of Michlalah
Friendship Circle of North Broward & South Palm Beach County
Friendship House
Gates of Zion
Hands on Tzedakah Inc
Hillel at FSU Foundation
Hillel of Broward & Palm Beach Counties
Impact Israel
Israel Experience
Jewish Adoption & Foster Care Options
JARC Florida
Jewish Education Center of South Florida
Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County
Jewish Federation of SPBC/JEC/March of the Living
Kol HaNearim
Liumi Israel Center For Enrichment and Jewish Life
Mercaz Hatorah
NCSY Southern
NCSY Summer – TJJ
NCSY- Hatzalah Rescue
Neve Yerushalayim
Bnos Sarah Seminary
NJ Y Camps/Cedar Lake Camp
NJY TAC Israel
Pioneers Camp
Ramah Israel Seminar
Ramat Shalom
Ruth and Norman Rales Jewish Family Services
Stand With Us
Temple Beth El of Boca Raton
Texas Tech University
Tiferet Center
Union for Reform Judaism
University of Florida Hillel
URJ Camp Coleman
Yeshiva Lev Arahon
Yeshiva University
Yeshivas Kayitz Tzeirei Hashluchim
The Zone
2022 Federation Officers
Lawrence Feldman, Chair
Judi Schuman, Vice Chair, Financial Resource Development
Jill Rose, Vice Chair, Campaign
Laurence I. Blair, Vice Chair, Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation
Karen Dern, Vice Chair, Women’s Philanthropy
Kathy Green, Vice Chair, Program Funding Council
Joe Sontz, Vice Chair, Israel & Overseas
Dr. David Schimel, Treasurer
Debra Halperin, Assistant Treasurer
Albert W. Gortz, Secretary
Wes Finch, Assistant Secretary
Anne Jacobson, Vice Chair
David Pratt, Vice Chair
Robin Rubin, Vice Chair
Rich Steinberg, Vice Chair
Arthur Goldberg, Immediate Past Chair
Federation Senior Staff
Matthew C. Levin
President & CEO
Marla Weiss Egers
Executive Vice President
Jeffrey Iserson
Chief Financial Officer
Aimee Kaye
Chief Human Resources Officer
Jennifer Koenig
Chief Development Officer
Todd Polikoff
Chief Operating Officer
Dana Vizner
Chief Planning Officer
Jeff Ardielli
Vice President, Information Technology
Tom Forlenza
Vice President, Facilities
Janet Izaak
Vice President, Marketing & Communications
Karen Milloy-Gobrecht
Vice President, Federation Finance
Lottie Nilsen
Vice President, Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation
Ida Novack
Vice President, Campaign
2022 Federation Board Members
Robin Baritz
Rabbi David Baum
Michael Beckerman
Don Brodie
Joshua Calisti
Jeremy Cohen
Robert Cook
Toby Cooperman
Bruce Dan
Rabbi Moishe Denburg
Mark Dern
Jill Deutch
Bryan Drowos
Howard DuBosar
Dale Filhaber
Meryl Gallatin
David Galpern
Louise Galpern
Rani H. Garfinkle
Benjamin Gene
Rabbi Yaakov Gibber
Gail Greenspoon
Yudi Gross
Austine Heldman
Michelle Hollister
Eydie Holz
Betty Kane
Elyssa Kupferberg
Matthew Kutcher
April Leavy
Eric Lebersfeld
Gary Lesser
Robert Lewis
Chuck Lichtman
Marty Lifton
Wendi Lipsich
Michael Lipton
Roxane Frechie Lipton
Joseph S. Mishkin
Jeffrey Newman
Cindy Orbach Nimhauser
Helene Paul
Barry Podolsky
Susan Rahn
Dr. Gail Rubin-Kwal
Janet Sahr
Mark Schaum
Larry Schnurmacher
Carol Smokler
Shelly Snyder
Alicia Spero
Richard Stolls
Barbara Werner
Barry N. Winograd
Dorothy M. Wizer
Ilene Wohlgemuth
Directors Emeritus
Margie Baer
Edward I. Burns
Kinnie Gorelick
Dorothy Lipson
Shirley Solomon
Beneficiary Agency Leadership
Adolph and Rose Levis Jewish Community Center, President,
Emily Grabelsky
Donna Klein Jewish Academy, President,
Shari Hier
JARC Florida, President,
Ellen Gechter
Ruth and Norman Rales Jewish Family Services, Chair,
Stephen Mendelsohn
Federation Past Chairs
James B. Baer*
1979 – 1983
Marianne Bobick
1983 – 1986
James H. Nobil*
1986 – 1988, 1999 – 2001
Marvin Zale*
1988 – 1991
Allan B. Solomon
1991 – 1992
Richard Okonow*
1992 – 1995
Herbert Gimelstob
1995 – 1998
Ralph Solomon*
1998 – 1999
Andrew S. Robins
2001 – 2003
Lawrence D. Altschul
2003 – 2005
Etta Gross Zimmerman
2005 – 2007
Stewart G. Harris*
2007 – 2010
Cindy Orbach Nimhauser
2010 – 2011
Ellen R. Sarnoff*
2011 – 2014
Albert W. Gortz
2014 – 2016
Anne Jacobson
2016 – 2018
Arthur Goldberg
*Of Blessed Memory
2022 Foundation Executive Committee
Laurence I. Blair, Esq., Chair
Jerome L. Wolf, Esq., Chair, By-Laws Committee
Janet S. Elinoff, Chair, Grants & Scholarships Committee
Kenneth A. Pritzker, Chair, Insurance Committee
Robert W. Marton, CFP ®, CIMA®, Chair, Investment Committee
Randee Rubenstein, Chair, JWF
Dale Filhaber, Chair, Marketing
Richard D. Steinberg, CFA, Chair, Nominating Committee
Yudi Gross, CFP®, Chair, Professional Advisory Committee
Amy Dweck, Chair, Women’s Philanthropy Planned Giving and Endowments
2022 Foundation Board of Trustees (Includes Executive Committee)
Stanley Barry
Jeffrey A. Baskies, Esq.
Jeremy Cohen
Janet S. Elinoff
Cara Freedman, Esq.
David M. Friedman, CFA
Meryl Gallatin
Lauren A. Galvani, Esq.
Clifford S. Gelber, CPA
Albert W. Gortz, Esq.
Alana Faintuch Hoch
Marjorie Horwin, CPA
Anne Jacobson
Norman Jacobson
Thomas R. Kaplan
David A. Katzman, CPA, CFP
Daniel J. Kraus
Elyssa Kupferberg, MBA
Matthew J. Kutcher, CFP
Richard M. Kwal, CPA
Daniel J. Levine, Esq.
Robert B. Lewis
Martin Lifton
Seth A. Marmor, Esq.
Stephen A. Mendelsohn, Esq.
Linda A. Melcer
Cindy Orbach Nimhauser
David Pratt, Esq.
Janet Sahr
Mark A. Schaum, Esq., CPA
Michael J. Shapiro, Esq.
Ronald L. Siegel, Esq.
Cindy White
Ex-Officio, JFSPBC
Lawrence Feldman
Debra Halperin
Matthew C. Levin
Jill Rose
Judi Schuman
Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation Past Chairs
1984 – 1986
Gary Bernstein*
1986 – 1988
Albert W. Gortz, Esq.
1988 – 1990
Marvin A. Kirsner, Esq.
1990 – 1991
Jerome L. Wolf, Esq.
1991 – 1994
Eric W. Deckinger
1994 – 1996
Ralph M. Solomon*
1996 – 1997
Eugene Pargh*
1997 – 2001
Jeffrey S. Kahn, Esq.*
2001 – 2004
Caryn J. Clayman, Esq.
2004 – 2005
Charles B. Ganz
2005 – 2008
Thomas R. Kaplan
2008 – 2013
David Pratt, Esq.
2013 – 2017
Richard Steinberg, CFA
*Of Blessed Memory